Ranking of chess countries according to their young players

Criterion: sum of world ranks in each category
Category U10 U12 U14 U16 U18 U20
How many players 1* 2 2 2 2 1*

* I think U10 and U20 are not the best categories to determine the strength of a country, so I decided to count only the best player rank, whereas in other categories it's best two ranks.

You will find below chess countries ranked by the sum of world ranks of their best players. The above table means it's based on 10 players : best U10, best two U12 U14 U16 and U18 and best U20.
Pen. (for penalty) is the number of missing player (= no player in U10 or U20 or only one in other categories). I chose to rank only countries with 1 missing player out of 10, max.
FIDE Ratings of September 2010 - Boys - Girls - Boys and Girls
About the author

Country ranking for Boys
RankCountryU10U12U14U16U18U20Pen.Sum of ranks
1Russia RUS 4121119162064
2US of America USA 1243123102160197
3India IND 8527132814330200
4Ukraine UKR 3178795631110286
5Hungary HUN 12413226735300291
6Germany GER 36428816849200403
7China CHN 1918102567320405
8France FRA 10061763324230515
9Poland POL 1161751043499260554
10Azerbaijan AZE 542561872223570599
11Italy ITA 4821811917633510645
12Israel ISR 1651568725459280749
13Spain ESP 113467676429170757
14Armenia ARM 33244262141123290832
15Romania ROU 471594222011364001005
16Netherlands NED 123234225123882401006
17Serbia SRB 732251422673144701068
18Iran IRI 1022791411523674301084
19Colombia COL 71171973873676801143
20England ENG 32591202235341301152
21Peru PER 49487280263542301156
22Turkey TUR 19234373515614201217
23Kazakhstan KAZ 412841813632668801223
24Vietnam VIE 12145158446491501257
25Czech Republic CZE 130251637931209701328
26Slovakia SVK 44978821611397101394
27Bulgaria BUL 583048751632911101405
28Brazil BRA 68236817413004401470
29Australia AUS 1935612733461418401634
30Austria AUT 22928933129437516001678
31Georgia GEO 4615083641971352101686
32Norway NOR 28472595604206101762
33Greece GRE 7833745566220716101900
34Argentina ARG 24206522152772802044
35Singapore SIN 725376096231271102303
36Croatia CRO 5910965812314941802479
37Switzerland SUI 1489108357058420802503
38Denmark DEN 83644105320677724703010
39Turkmenistan TKM 70182341121258812103423
40Slovenia SLO 7693111717626972503662
41Belarus BLR 6352919251999194103676
42Portugal POR 1951227123735014029604507
43Mongolia MGL 1286371110450184641304584
44Venezuela VEN 2216132216377154532705299
45Mexico MEX 248115117391052101517305378
46Paraguay PAR 6118691145778101862405495
47Latvia LAT 88752990146441729806691
48Sri Lanka SRI 90177112711471191495607473
49South Africa RSA 211260321888301981184409657
50Nepal NEP 2628922237490534331455013184
51Cuba CUB 013794262101521646
52Canada CAN 0684103141518911032
53Belgium BEL 0384156312129740812773
54Lithuania LTU 0595291156310297913557
55Chile CHI 0201936486511713714456
56Finland FIN 010911187129648943814501
57Moldova MDA 023271000109471910015240
58Ecuador ECU 078523061289139613215908
59Egypt EGY 267141719711016408116916248
60United Arab Emirates UAE 01248257343741733379110307
61South Korea KOR 18516702014615834040113431

Country ranking for Girls
RankCountryU10gU12gU14gU16gU18gU20gPen.Sum of ranks
1Russia RUS 123101855053
2India IND 235419355930193
3Colombia COL 11120109128220291
4Hungary HUN 14133655756250350
5Vietnam VIE 7761434564330368
6Georgia GEO 71211105131670423
7Ukraine UKR 38242503635300431
8Germany GER 1511512683102110452
9Azerbaijan AZE 813915912838130485
10France FRA 3692101110232830654
11Poland POL 491972544752640663
12Spain ESP 703039074210170764
13Peru PER 22220173102303570877
14Romania ROU 47172295205131290879
15Turkey TUR 322102732572602101053
16Greece GRE 1123642247614211101398
17Portugal POR 19552625106611193803419
18China CHN 08512913621244
19Cuba CUB 0262912167611304
20Serbia SRB 0245991739791623
21Kazakhstan KAZ 475315131136191680
22Netherlands NED 2924622912079691772
23US of America USA 056198155381161806
24Turkmenistan TKM 093462163961311882
25Czech Republic CZE 024416548331141937
26Belarus BLR 6874250105433581988
27Slovakia SVK 022234423714913611088
28Italy ITA 0932711504889411096
29Brazil BRA 02053242253994311196
30Croatia CRO 02214913672471511341
31Ecuador ECU 03285056995637612171
32Singapore SIN 05445724136136612208
33Sri Lanka SRI 049044251079529612533
34Moldova MDA 063856860695519112958

Country ranking for Boys and Girls
1Russia RUS 412111916264123101855530117
2India IND 852713281433200235419355931930393
3Hungary HUN 124132267353029114133655756253500641
4Ukraine UKR 31787956311128638242503635304310717
5Germany GER 36428816849204031511512683102114520855
6Azerbaijan AZE 542561872223575998139159128381348501084
7France FRA 100617633242351536921011102328365401169
8Poland POL 1161751043499265544919725447526466301217
9Colombia COL 7117197387367681143111201091282229101434
10Spain ESP 113467676429177577030390742101776401521
11Vietnam VIE 121451584464915125777614345643336801625
12Romania ROU 47159422201136401005471722952051312987901884
13Peru PER 4948728026354231156222201731023035787702033
14Georgia GEO 461508364197135211686712111051316742302109
15Turkey TUR 19234373515614212173221027325726021105302270
16Greece GRE 78337455662207161190011236422476142111139803298
17Portugal POR 195122712373501402964507195526251066111938341907926
18China CHN 19181025673240508512913622441649
19US of America USA 1243123102161970561981553811680611003
20Serbia SRB 7322514226731447106802459917397962311691
21Italy ITA 48218119176335164509327115048894109611741
22Netherlands NED 1232342251238824100629246229120796977211778
23Kazakhstan KAZ 412841813632668812234753151311361968011903
24Czech Republic CZE 130251637931209713280244165483311493712265
25Slovakia SVK 44978821611397113940222344237149136108812482
26Brazil BRA 6823681741300441470020532422539943119612666
27Croatia CRO 591096581231494182479022149136724715134113820
28Turkmenistan TKM 70182341121258812134230934621639613188214305
29Singapore SIN 72537609623127112303054457241361366220814511
30Belarus BLR 63529192519991941367668742501054335898814664
31Sri Lanka SRI 901771127114711914956747304904425107952962533110006